Welcome to St Stephen's Uniting Church, Wodonga
“Following Christ, walking with all people and engaging in community with compassion and justice.”
On behalf of the congregation I welcome your interest in St Stephen's Uniting Church and encourage your participation in the life of this community church.
Worship services, prayer and bible studies nurture the faith of our members, deepens discipleship and strengthens leadership capacity across cultures and the generations.
To participate in any of the activities of St Stephen's we invite you to contact the Church Office
Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday 12.30pm to 3.30pm by phone 02 6024 2108 or email: admin@wodongastst.victas.uca.org.au
Gracious and Loving God,
may the blessing of Your peace
be with all those whom we love,
the ill, the distressed, the fearful and the grieving.
Especially be with those whose end is near.
And may your peace and love fill our hearts
and be with us in these uncertain days,
now and always.
We acknowledge that we at St Stephen’s Uniting Church, Wodonga meet on the land of which the local indigenous people are the traditional owners and custodians. We remember their Elders and ancestors with respect and commit ourselves to working for reconciliation and justice.
Where To Find Us
How to get in touch.
177 Beechworth Road, Wodonga Vic 3690
PO BOX: 189
OFFICE ADMINISTRATION: Tues, Wed and Fri - 12.30pm to 3.30pm
(02) 6024 2108 - admin@wodongastst.victas.uca.org.au
EMERGENCY RELIEF: Mon to Fri - 9.30am to 12.30pm (02) 6048 6900
To contribute to the ministry and outreach of our Church, or say thank you for our Worship Services we welcome your support.
Direct Deposit:
Wodonga Uniting Church St Stephen's
BSB: 033 264
Account: 176107
Please label as: "Offering"